Lexington, KY: A Spectacularly Unique Meal at Kentucky Native

Jaw drop alert: I'm about to tell you about one of the MOST unique restaurants I've ever been to. Admittedly, I have a bias for lush green spaces and colorful food, but walk with me...

Kentucky Native Cafe is part cafe, part caterer, and part nursery--yes, I said nursery. It is a fully operational nursery and garden center specializing in plants native to the area. And I think the cafe portion of the business is new, because it doesn't seem to have an official website, just a Yelp page.

Once you walk through the doorway, you walk down this canopied path, past picnic tables and lawn tables dispersed throughout the forest. 

When you get to the end of the path, you place your order at the window (photo stolen off the internet to provide full context for my tale. Thank you, OTG).

Once you've ordered, you pick your own table amongst the lushness. There are tables that feel more like they're in the middle of a forest, and then there are tables that are under what used to be a greenhouse. 

We sipped on a blood orange spritzer and a Radler while waiting for our food and marveling at the surroundings. I also took a walk through the nursery. 

The food was vegan-centric and eclectic. Each of us chose a plate of 3 items: I had peaches and mint, cous cous with fresh peppers, and a beat and giant white bean salad.

J had sesame mango soba, lox on toast, and a bourek stuffed with potatoes and spinach (super fluffy).

Blogger won't let me upload the video tour I took of this place because the video is too big, so ask me for it (or maybe I'll put it on YouTube one of these days...) It's really worth a watch if you love unique dining spaces. 


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